Conquest's' End

How to play:


 1. Find a friend to download the game (Or explore game options by yourself...much less challenging).


2. Unzip and launch the executable.


3. When at the main menu, click the Conquests end logo. When prompted, enter your desired player name. (Nothing offensive please!) Click create, then start game to go to the main menu.


4. Continue into the main menu where you can play, tweak settings and get an about page.


5. Clicking the new game item will take you to the network lobby. Here you can create another room where players can join your game. Or you can go to our server browser to look for other players games.


6. If you are the host, you can start a game at any time as long as the players in your lobby indicate they're ready


7. When game loads, you're ready to play. Take a look at the chat to see who goes first. Typically the player going first will be able to see how many armies he has to take planets with.


8. The first phase of the game is the first build phase. Here players will take turns selecting a planet of their choice and claiming it. The turn immediately ends after a player claims a planet. Control is given to player whose turn is next. This phase will cycle through the players until a planet.


9. Once every planet has been claimed, the build phase begins. Here players can select planets they already own, and add more troops to those planets. Players can end their turn at any time.


10. Once every player has had one build phase, the combat phase begins. The first player to go can choose to attack an enemy planet, by selecting one of their planets, and an enemy planet. A player can end their combat phase at any time.


Note: Planets that are outside the asteroid ring are outer planets. These can only be attacked by planets from their own system and other outer planets.  Black rings also help delineate outer planets from inner planets, which have a gray orbital trajectory.


11. The last phase is the move phase, where players can move ships from one planet to another. Players can do this only once, and then their turn is passed.


12. The turns will continue to cycle through the phases of build, combat, and move, until a player wins.


In-game controls:


Arrow keys move the camera edges of screen to navigate the map


Scroll wheel zooms the camera in and out


Left click to select a planet, if the planet is unoccupied (colored grey) then ownership will be transferred to the current player


Left click another planet while a planet is selected to get the option to attack or reinforce, or view the controlling player if the planets are not 'adjacent' (planets are not from the same system and not outer planets)


Right click to deselect your current selection of planets.

attacking and reinforcing


To reinforce or attack, the first planet you click must belong to you!

commit ships to the attack by clicking the increment button in the right UI section


Click the reinforce button to move ships from one planet to another.


Click the attack button to start rolling for combat


Attack subscreen - Click the attack button to make your armies attack, click the retreat button to leave this screen

reinforcing - ships are committed similarly to attacking.