Conquest's' End


Julian Amrine


Ideas Guy, Network Architecture Wizard, and Project Manager.  Julian Amrine was the creator of the concept of the game and functioned as the team captain for the project.  He is a 6th year senior at USC, finishing a Bachelor's in Computer Science with a focus on Data Science and Analytics.  Fueled a love of traditional tabletop board games, Julian sought out four friends foolish enough to make an online multiplayer game in unity for their senior capstone. Thus, Conquest's' End began.



Clifton Perry


Philosopher, Visionary, and Cunning Linguist. Clifton Perry was the creator of the game's name, Conquest's' End (grammatical intricacy intended).  He is finishing his final semester at USC for his second Bachelor's in Computer Science.  Combined with his first Bachelor's, a degree in Philosophy from Florida State University, Clifton's focus is on Human Computer/ Human Robot Interaction, Usability, and UI/UX.  He developed the User Interface for the menus/ game play, selected the music/SFX and complained about usability issues. Clifton additionally edited/narrated the walkthrough video and created this website for the project.


Alexander Reeser


Ruler of Random, Planet Producer, and Game Master. Alexander Reeser is in his Junior year at USC, pursuing an accelerated Master's in Computer Science, and is the Secretary for the Carolina Gamers Club (CGC).  He  was the lead developer in the procedural generation of the Conquest's' End game board as well as the resident Unity expert. His other roles included setting up the Unity project as a baseline for the game, testing code, and assisting in designing and developing the game.


 Lorenzo Dyckes


The Incredible Black Ace. Lorenzo Dyckes is a computer science senior at USC planning to pursue a career in either game design or application development.  His passion for game creation and desire to learn more about the process is what drew him to the project. Lorenzo was part of the design process as well as setting up some of the networking features in Conquest's' End.


 Andrew Ruegamer


Gamer by trade, gamer by name.  Andrew Ruegamer is a computer science senior at USC, as well as a video game enthusiast (both playing and developing) with a focus in Unity (using C#), and a desire to work in Web/Mobile App development.  For Conquest's' End, Drew worked on Host Migration / Network Debugging, Win Condition Debugging,Debugging, and UI Scaling.



Special Thanks:

Dr. Vidal

Dr. JJ Shepherd

Dr. Tang


Noble Whales Studies