Project Omaha

Since 2004, South Carolina has used Electronic Systems & Software's (ES&S) iVotronic direct-recording electronic voting machine for its elections; however, recent investigations, such as the Evaluation and Validation of Election-Related Equipment, Standards and Testing (EVEREST) Report for then-Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner, have highlighted serious security flaws in both the design of the voting machines—such as weak, easy-to-guess passwords and easily-intercepted communications protocols— and in their implementation, which have cast doubts upon the integrity of the voting process in South Carolina.

Project Omaha is a student-led project out of the College of Engineering and Computing at the University of South Carolina, that was tasked with investigating the hardware of the iVotronic and the related Personalized Electronic Ballot (PEB) cartridges in order to determine possible attack vectors and, if possible, to try and exploit those vulnerabilities to compromise the systems. This website serves as documentation of what we, the team members, have accomplished over the course of the year; however, this was a purely black box operation: the team was given the hardware without any accompanying software or other documentation outside of what could be gathered from prior reports and papers.

Although we were originally assigned to take a hardware inventory of the iVotronic voting terminal, to dump the iVotronic's ROM for further inspection, and to look for an exploit vector, early setbacks forced us to switch over to the two PEBs. We believe that we have set up a strong foundation in this website for anyone looking to pick up and continue this project. In addition to the ES&S hardware provided, we acquired additional tools to facilitate our investigations, and we a large knowledge base documenting almost all of the chips inside all of the available ES&S components. We have also uploaded our methodology on getting ROM information out of the PEB itself, documenting what did and didn't work, as well as suggestions for what to do next.

The Project Omaha team members are

Table of Contents

  1. iVotronic Operating Environment – An overview of the election day procedures and how the iVotronic and PEB fit into the Election-Day pipeline.

  2. Disassembly Instructions – Procedures for getting down to the hardware and finding your way around the circuit boards.

  3. Technical Details – Technical documentation of the hardware.

    1. PEB Hardware Reference – A visual breakdown of the PEB, with datasheet links for the major components.

    2. iVotronic Hardware Reference – A visual breakdown of the iVotronic, with datasheet links for the major components.

  4. Hacking the PEB – A detailed look at what we did to the PEBs.

  5. Possible Attack Vectors – Discussions on how the integrity of the iVotronic, PEB, and elections can be compromised, compiled from our findings and chapter nine of the EVEREST report.

  6. For Future Reference – Information for any future teams so that they can pick up where we left off.


We would like to thank the following people and institutions for their assistance with the project and/or for providing invaluable information:

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