Project Omaha

Technical Details >

iVotronic Mother Board

The iVotronic Voting Machine is a marvel of engineering, and it is the reason for this Capstone project. The machine's motherboard is a labyrinth of wires, chips, and other circuits—nothing out of the ordinary.

While a majority of the components—including the board's Intel microprocessor—are embedded right on to the circuit board, there are a number of plug-in modules as well. The video card/driver of the machine handles all of the visual processing needed to render the user interface, the sound card provides auditory readouts via a headphone jack on the side of the case to comply with regulations set forth by the Americans with Disability Act of 1990, there are two memory modules that provide redundant memory storage for the machine, and cables connect to minor boards elsewhere in the machine.

You can click the yellow boxes in the image below for detailed information about the highlighted component.


[Manufacturer]'s [Serial number]

Datasheet: [GitHub Link]
