
Project maintained by SCCapstone Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Database expert: Vincent Josephs vjosephs@email.sc.edu
Public Relations: Jack Primiani primiani@email.sc.edu
Team Leader: Mark McMurtury mcmurtum@email.sc.edu
Testing expert: Cody Butler cnbutler@email.sc.edu
Permissions administrator: Christopher Fulton cjfulton@email.sc.edu


For development we used Ionic and the Angluar framework to build the app. For the cloud functionally, Google Firebase was used. Using these free tools allowed us to create this app while only investing time into it. There were several challenges that we faced. Most of them stemed from the cloud functions, be it a problem writing to it or a permissions problem for viewing the data. Creating the basic viewing and data entry was simple, but problems arose when we had to connect another user to the data for viewing. Through trial and error we managed to resolved the issues and complete the app.
