
Culinary App

View the Project on GitHub SCCapstone/CulinaryApp

I Am Chef

Our App

What it Does

I am Chef is the exciting new recipe discovery application for Android

Make an account and receive access to an entire database of unique recipes
Categorize by region or type of food, filter out foods you don’t want to see, or just scroll through the home page until you find your perfect match
Vegetarian? Vegan? Even Flexitarian?? I am Chef shows you only what you want, but if you aren’t sure yet, just try the various options and find something you’ll love!

How to Use

I am Chef is designed to be simple and intuitive. Here’s how it works



To register a general user account, begin by clicking on the “Not a member? Get registered in Firebase now!” button in the lower part of the login screen. From there simply enter your email, password, and don’t forget to confirm your password. After hitting next you’ll just have to enter a few more details. Enter your first and last name along with clicking on any lifestyle preferences that match you! Upload a profile picture and a background image and you’re all set to go!


If you’re a chef wanting to register an account you’ll also have to click the “Not a member? Get registered in Firebase now!” button in the lower part of the login screen. Then click the “Chef Registration!” text right under the page header. From there we just need your email, password (don’t forget the confirmation!), first and last name, and what organization you’re affiliated with. Then just hit “Register” and you’re all set!

Signing In and Out:

Signing in:

Once you have finished registering, and the app has indicated that you are finished with the process, you’re all done! The app will return you to the login page and simply enter your email and password as usual, no email verification required!

Signing out:

If you’re already logged in and would like to log out, look to the bottom navigation bar and tap “Logout”. A confirmation box will appear, tap “yes” to confirm that you would like to log out. At that point, you will return to the login page and will not be able to access the contents of the app until you log in again

Viewing your suggestions:

You can view your suggested recipes from the homepage of the app! When navigating to the homepage of the app you will be presented with a list of all your suggested categories along with 4 recipes we’ve hand picked for you based on your lifestyle settings! On this menu you can either click on one of your suggested categories to view all our recipes in that category or click on one of the suggested recipes to view it’s ingredients and instructions!

If you want more than just our suggestions you can click on the searchbar at the top of the page! From here you can search for either categories or recipes!

Modifying your suggestions:

You can modify your suggestions by updating lifestyle settings. Updating your lifestyle settings will modify both the categories and recipes we suggest to you. These settings can by naviagting to your profile page and clicking “Update Preferences”. At the moment, most of the lifestyles revolve around different types of diets. You can choose multiple lifestyles. Some of which include veganism, vegatarianism, flexitarianism (for those who mostly stick to a plant-based, whole-grain diet but eat meat sometimes), and althetics.

Saving and sharing recipes you like:

Once you’ve found a recipe you love, you’ll want to share it or save it for later. Here’s how to do that

Saving a recipe:

Saving allows you to keep a list of your favorite recipes and quickly access them without searching

To save a recipe, find the recipe’s page and simply tap the heart button under the name of the recipe. Once it has turned red, it means your like has been recorded in the app, and you have saved the recipe
Saved recipes can be found on the ‘favorites’ page, just tap the ‘favorites’ button in the bottom bar and you’ll see a list of all your likes. Each item in the list is a permanent link to that recipe, so there’s no more need to go searching for the recipe! To remove a like, repeat the like action, and the red heart on the recipe will return to its original gray, showing that the recipe is no longer in your likes.

Sharing a recipe:

Sharing helps you spread the word about recipes you love. Sharing a recipe will send the recipe’s name, ingredients, and instructions as text to any messaging app

To share a recipe, find the recipe’s page and tap the share icon under the name of the recipe. This will initiate the share menu. Scroll through the menu until you find the app which you wish to share to, and tap that app’s icon

Editing your Profile:

The profile page is where you can edit the various parts of your profile as well as see what they look like to other users

Edit Avatar

Allows you to pick any image from your camera roll to be your new profile picture

Edit Background Image

Allows you to pick any image from your camera roll to be your new background image

Edit Bio

Type in any bio for your profile

Edit Display Name

Type in any display name for your profile

Display What Others See

Shows you what your avatar, background image, display name, and bio look like to other users

Update Preferences

Allows you to edit your food preferences for your recommendations. See “modifying your suggestions” for more information


LoginScreen categories recipes profile

About Us

I am Chef was developed by the CulinaryApp team within the UofSC 2022 Capstone Project framework

Our members:

Lukacs Ablonczy
Michael A. Sana
Ralph J. Gleaton
Mitchell Lambert

See Our Code

Our Github repository can be found at