
View the Project on GitHub SCCapstone/teamMuseumKiosk



This project aims to create a trivia game used for the South Carolina State Museum. The museum intends for the trivia game to implore guests about their knowledge of South Carolina.

For End Users

Tutorial Video

teamMuseumKiosk Tutorial Video

How to Use App

Why Use Our App?

Our app was created with the needs of the South Carolina State museum in mind. The app is not created with networking capabilities to better suit the museum’s uses. It also allows for images and videos to be used within the questions.


Title Screen Title Screen

Quiz Screen Quiz Screen

End Screen End Screen

Admin Dashboard Admin Dashboard

Admin Edit Screen Admin Edit Screen

About the Team

Name E-mail Contact
Phoebe Ngo LinkedIn
Michael Cantwell LinkedIn
Lauren Nix LinkedIn
Jacob Cox N/A
Nicholas Gause N/A

For Developers

Style Guide

The team will be using the style guide of Google’s Java Style Guide.

Run Application

Installing Development Environment (with gradle installed)

  1. Install IntelliJ IDE here.
  2. Install gradle using a package manager such as Homebrew
    1. homebrew install gradle
  3. Git clone this repo: git clone to directory of your choice or use IntelliJ to clone using “Checkout from Version Control,” selecting git and paste into the URL, and select directory of your choice.
  4. Open project in IntelliJ and open “Terminal” tab
  5. Write gradle build. Wait until the building process ends and then save & close your project.
  6. Reopen your project and click Auto-import, and wait while Gradle is running.

Installing Development Environment (without gradle installed)

  1. Install IntelliJ IDE here.
  2. Git clone this repo: git clone to directory of your choice or use IntelliJ to clone using “Checkout from Version Control,” selecting git and paste into the URL, and select directory of your choice.
  3. Open project in IntelliJ and open “Terminal” tab
  4. Write ./gradlew build. Wait until the building process ends and then save & close your project.
  5. Reopen your project and click Auto-import, and wait while Gradle is running.

Test Application

  1. Open Terminal in project directory
  2. Write ./gradlew test, or if gradle is installed on your computer, gradle test
  3. View test results in build/reports/tests/test/index.html