We are a team of students working to create a better way to connect faculty and students looking for research opportunities. We are working with the Office of Undergraduate Research at the University of South Carolina, as well at the Computer Science Department's Capstone Project.
The advanced search page, showing Campus/College/Department filters.
Search results for sociology professors.
An example of a professor profile. You can find research interests and contact information, as well as links to search for publications. Additionally, professors have the option to add images, videos, and text describing their research in more detail.
The admin panel. This is only accessible to administrators, and lets them modify campuses/departments/colleges, approve blog submissions from students, view site analytics, and create faculty members.
The blog editor. From here, you can post blogs or save them as drafts. Blogs can have images as headers or in the body of the post, and can be styled using markdown. They can also be set to expire on a specific date.