
What is CalendarGPT?

CalendarGPT is a planner app that allows you to manage your time effectively by allowing you to add tasks to a calendar. It features an upcoming page that will notify you of any future tasks that are due and also includes a weather tab. The premier feature of CalendarGPT is that it contains ChatGPT integration. Users can upload their syllabi to the app and ChatGPT will automatically create tasks for them for any due dates they have.
Github link:

Demo video


Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3 Screenshot 4

External Requirements

If on a Windows or Linux machine, you'll need to set your build platform in VS code to a java-script-based device, or connect an Android/iOS/MacOS device and choose that.

(*) npm install -g firebase-tools


Detailed setup, running, and deployment instructions are provided within the project's README file available in the GitHub repository.

You will need to add the root path for your node.js installation as well as the bin folder of your Flutter installation to your system's Path environment variable before building the project.


After installing all the external requirements, open the project's folder within VS Code. Locate the lib folder & open the main.dart file contained within. Assuming you have all the necessary external requirements installed and the correct build device specified, to run the project in a test environment, you can simply press f5 with the main.dart file open.


Build the app for deployment using the flutter build <platform> command. You can also choose which renderer to use by using the --web-renderer option (See Web renderers). This generates the app, including the assets, and places the files into the /build/<platform>/ directory of the project. The executable of your build can be found in the /<platform>/runner/ directory for certain build platforms. Windows builds also require additional files to be added after building to run.