Traffic Quest

Displaying traffic data easily

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Traffic Quest App Showcase from Traffic Quest on Vimeo

This app finds and presents to the user a set of incidents around a requested area. These incidents can be viewed in both a list, which can be downloaded as a CSV file), or on a map for a visual representation of incident locations.

Requesting Traffic Data

In list form

From the main screen after logging in, enter the coordinates of the location you would like to make a query on. For example, the coordinates for Columbia, South Carolina is Lat:34.00071, Long: -81.034814. Click "Request Traffic Data" to return a new screen with a list of incidents around those coordinates. From this screen, you can choose to either have this list be emailed to you or downloaded to your local device as a CSV file. Those respective buttons are on the screen in the top tool bar.

In Map Form

From the main screen, pull the app drawer out from the left side of the screen. You will see an option for Map. Click on there to get to the map screen. From the map screen, you can make a query by entering the address of the location you would like to make a search around. Upon submitting the query, the map will return a series of point around the original query point. The origin point will be in red while incidents around the area will be in yellow. You will have the option to save this search query and results.

Viewing Saved Searches

From the main screen, pull the app drawer out from the left side of the screen. There will be an option for "Saved Searches". Here is where you can access searches saved using the maps save search feature. Clicking on a saved search will display the same query as before (NOTE: THIS FEATURE NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED YET)


This app created for the capstone project by:

Daniel Free, Jonnathan Castillo, Keenan Dooley, Ryan Chisolm