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Thomas Cooper Library app

Welcome to the FAQ Page!

Why can’t I reserve a study room?

This is a feature that we are currently experiencing technical difficulties with. We apologize for the inconvinence. In the mean time, room reservations can be made on the Thomas Cooper Library website.

How do I reset my password?

If you forgot your password or would just like to change it, navigate to the “My Settings” tab from the menu, and select “Change My Password”. You will then need to check the email you registered the account with and follow the instructions to reset your password.

How do I verify my account?

Once you register an account, you should receive an email with a link to verify your account. If for any reason you do not receive this email, navigate to the “My Settings” tab from the menu and select “Resend Verification Email”.

Why can’t I see the approximate wait time for the Starbucks Line?

This feature relies on user submissions. If you check the wait time and it says “No times have been submitted recently”, then nobody has used the page recently. We encourage all users to submit how long it took them when they go through the line so others can see the waiting time!

I’m not a student or employee of the University - what can I use the app for?

Most features of the app are focused on use by students and faculty, however there is limited use for others. User accounts can only be created by students and employees, but others may still check the app for new book arrivals, checking the map, seeing the Library’s twitter feed, and checking the approximate wait time at the library Starbucks.

Something isn’t working right. How do I let someone know?

While we’ve worked very hard on this app, it’s still possible something doesn’t work right. If you discover a bug that’s affecting your enjoyment of the app, please go to the “Report a Bug” tab on the menu and fill out the fields. Your input is greatly appreciated!