
 *      _  _ 
 *     | \| |
 *     | .` |
 *     |_|\_|eptune
 * 		Capstone Project 2022

const ConfigItem = require('./ConfigItem.js');
const ConfigurationManager = require('./ConfigurationManager.js');
const IPAddress = require('./IPAddress.js');

 * Client configuration data
class ClientConfig extends ConfigItem {
	 * Last known IP address of the client
	 * @type {IPAddress}
	 * The last known IP address of the client
	 * @type{IPAddress}
	get IPAddress() {
		return this._IPAddress;
	/** @param {(string|IPAddress)} ip */
	set IPAddress(ip) {
		if (ip instanceof IPAddress) {
			this._IPAddress = ip;
		} else if (typeof ip === "string") {
			this._IPAddress = new IPAddess(ip);
		} else {
			throw new TypeError("IPAddess expected string or IPAddress, got " + (typeof ip).toString());

	/** @type {string} */
	 * Unique client identifier (provided by the client)
	 * @type{string}
	get clientId() {
		return this._clientId;
	set clientId(clientId) {
		if (typeof clientId !== "string")
			throw new TypeError("clientId expected string got " + (typeof clientId).toString());
		this._clientId = clientId;

	/** @type {string} */
	 * Display name of the client (John's Phone)
	 * @type {string}
	get friendlyName() {
		return this._friendlyName;
	set friendlyName(friendlyName) {
		if (typeof friendlyName !== "string")
			throw new TypeError("friendlyName expected string got " + (typeof friendlyName).toString());

		this._friendlyName = friendlyName; // probably should restrict this

	/** @type {Date} */
	 * Date the client and server paired
	 * @type {Date}
	get dateAdded() {
		return this._dateAdded;
	/** @param {(Date|string)} dateAdded Either a date object or a string of the ISO time stamp */
	set dateAdded(dateAdded) {
		if (dateAdded instanceof Date)
			this._dateAdded = dateAdded;
		else {
			dateTime = new Date(dateAdded);
			if (!isNaN(dateTime))
				this._dateAdded = dateTime;
				throw new RangeError("Invalid time value");

	// Pair data
	/** @type {string} */
	 * UUID representing the unique pair between this server and the client
	 * @type {string}
	get pairId() {
		return this._pairId;
	set pairId(pairId) {
		if (typeof pairId !== "string")
			throw new TypeError("pairId expected string got " + (typeof pairId).toString());
		this._pairId = pairId;

	/** @type {string} */
	 * Unique pair key shared by the two devices, used to verify a client
	 * @type {string}
	get pairKey() {
		return this._pairKey;
	set pairKey(pairKey) {
		if (typeof pairKey !== "string")
			throw new TypeError("pairKey expected string got " + (typeof pairKey).toString());
		this._pairKey = pairKey;

	 * Pair key and pair id set
	 * @type {boolean}
	get isPaired() {
		return (this._pairKey !== undefined && this._pairKey !== "") && (this._pairId !== undefined && this._pairId !== "");

	// Synced data
	 * @typedef {object} NotificationSettings
	 * @property {boolean} [enabled=true] - Notifications are sent/received between the two
	 * Notification settings, synced between the two devices (you have to call client.syncSettings())
	 * @type {NotificationSettings}
	notificationSettings = {
		enabled: true

	 * @typedef {object} ClipboardSettings
	 * @property {boolean} [enabled=false] - Clipboard data sent/received synced between the two
	 * @property {boolean} [allowClientToSet=true] - Allow client to update this server's clipboard data remotely
	 * @property {boolean} [allowClientToGet=false] - Allow client to request this server's clipboard data remotely
	 * @property {boolean} [synchronizeClipboardToClient=false] - Send clipboard to client when this server's clipboard data changes
	 * @property {boolean} [synchronizeClipboardToServer=false] - Mainly for parity, does not effect anything. Treat as read-only.  
	 * Clipboard settings, synced between the two devices (you have to call client.syncSettings())
	 * @type {ClipboardSettings}
	clipboardSettings = {
		enabled: true,
		allowClientToSet: true,
		allowClientToGet: false,

		synchronizeClipboardToClient: false,

	 * @typedef {object} FileSharingSettings
	 * @property {boolean} [enabled=false] - If file sharing is allowed between the two devices.
	 * @property {boolean} [allowClientToUpload=true] - Whether client can upload any files. This toggles the ability to receive files from the client.
	 * @property {boolean} [allowClientToDownload=true] - Whether client can download files (that we send it). This toggles the ability to send files to the client.
	 * @property {boolean} [requireConfirmationOnClinetUploads=false] - Whether to ask the user to confirm receiving a file from client. False and files are automatically downloaded.
	 * @property {boolean} [notifyOnClientUpload=true] - Notify the user when a file is received
	 * @property {string} [receivedFilesDirectory="./data/receivedFiles/"] - Where received files are saved (default is ./data/receivedFiles/)
	 * @property {boolean} [clientBrowsable=false] - Remote client device is browsable
	 * @property {boolean} [serverBrowsable=false] - Allow the client device to remotely browse our files
	 * File sharing settings settings, synced between the two devices (you have to call client.syncSettings())
	 * @type {FileSharingSettings}
	fileSharingSettings = {
		enabled: true,

		allowClientToUpload: true,
		allowClientToDownload: true,

		requireConfirmationOnClinetUploads: true,
		notifyOnClientUpload: true,


	 * @param {ConfigurationManager} configManager ConfigurationManager instance
	 * @param {string} fileName The path to the config file
	 * @return {ClientConfig}
	constructor(configManager, fileName) {
		super(configManager, fileName);

	 * @inheritdoc
	toJSON() {
		let JSONObject = super.toJSON();

		if (this.IPAddress !== undefined)
			JSONObject["IPAddress"] = this.IPAddress.toString();
		if (this.clientId !== undefined)
			JSONObject["clientId"] = this.clientId;
		if (this.friendlyName !== undefined)
			JSONObject["friendlyName"] = this.friendlyName;
		if (this.dateAdded !== undefined)
			JSONObject["dateAdded"] = this.dateAdded.toISOString();

		if (this.pairId !== undefined)
			JSONObject["pairId"] = this.pairId;
		if (this.pairKey !== undefined)
			JSONObject["pairKey"] = this.pairKey;

		if (this.notificationSettings !== undefined)
			JSONObject["notificationSettings"] = this.notificationSettings;
		if (this.clipboardSettings !== undefined)
			JSONObject["clipboardSettings"] = this.clipboardSettings;
		if (this.fileSharingSettings !== undefined)
			JSONObject["fileSharingSettings"] = this.fileSharingSettings;

		return JSONObject;

	 * @inheritdoc
	fromJSON(JSONObject) {
		if (typeof JSONObject !== "string" && typeof JSONObject !== "object")
			throw new TypeError("JSONObject expected string or object got " + (typeof JSONObject).toString());
		if (typeof JSONObject === "string")
			JSONObject = JSON.parse(JSONObject);

		if (JSONObject["version"] !== undefined)
			this.version = JSONObject["version"];

		if (JSONObject["IPAddress"] !== undefined)
			this.IPAddress = new IPAddress(JSONObject["IPAddress"]);
		if (JSONObject["clientId"] !== undefined)
			this.clientId = JSONObject["clientId"];
		if (JSONObject["friendlyName"] !== undefined)
			this.friendlyName = JSONObject["friendlyName"];
		if (JSONObject["dateAdded"] !== undefined)
			this.dateAdded = new Date(JSONObject["dateAdded"]);
		if (JSONObject["pairId"] !== undefined)
			this.pairId = JSONObject["pairId"];
		if (JSONObject["pairKey"] !== undefined)
			this.pairKey = JSONObject["pairKey"];

		if(JSONObject["notificationSettings"] !== undefined)
			this.notificationSettings = JSONObject["notificationSettings"];
		if(JSONObject["clipboardSettings"] !== undefined)
			this.clipboardSettings = JSONObject["clipboardSettings"];
		if(JSONObject["fileSharingSettings"] !== undefined)
			this.fileSharingSettings = JSONObject["fileSharingSettings"];

module.exports = ClientConfig;