Cardknights is perfect way to pass time whenever you are bored of all your old games. Trying to get more followers on MySpace?
Then Cardknights is the game for you! We here at Megagantic wanted to create a game that keeps the attention of the player and
combines multiple well-loved games such as Black Jack and Chess. Cardknights has the strategy of a chess game combined with
a trading card game and gives the excitement of a casino-banking game.

How to Download

To play Cardknights, first vist our Github, go to the Latest Release and download the Installer.exe, then follow the instructions for installation.
You can run the App through the Windows Search-Bar or the desktop shortcut created.

How to Play

Phase 1: Black Jack

Phase 2: Draft Phase 3: Combat Terrain:

The different terrain tiles will have various effects on the battle!