Welcome to Knowledgebase

Knowledgebase is a social trivia app designed to be user-friendly where people can connect with friend and other users and answer trivia.

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Why Knowledgebase?

A beautiful app with a user-friendly UI for everyone

Knowledgebase is a social trivia app where people can compete with friends and other users to answer trivia questions. Players can compete on the leaderboard or answer Knowledge packs of trivia questions by their friends. Users can also add friends and chat with them.

How to use Knowledgebase?

Download the app

After downloading the app, you will be greeted at our welcome page. From there you can either login with an existing account or sign up for a new one. After you have succesfuly logged in, you'll be at the home screen. From the home screen you can navigate to the right or left to leaderboard or profile page respectively. On the homescreen you'll also find buttons to navigate to answering curted trivia by category or answer Knowledge packs from your friends.

Our Progress

See our progress on GitHub

We started to design Knowledgebase from the ground up in August 2020. We have come far since then. The progress can be checked out at our GitHub page.

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Knowledgebase Final Demo

This is a video run through of our app Knowledgebase. We will show you all of the features throughout the app that you can use

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Invite and add your friends on the app

10 categories and counting to answer trivia questions


Add your friends on the app and chat with them

Easy Notifications

Receive notifications when new categories come out


Compete with others on the leaderbaord by answering trivia

Knowledge Packs

Create and answer custom questions created by friends.

Download The App

Currently, Knowledgebase is not available for download on the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. You can visit the GitHub page and download the app from there!

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