
View the Project on GitHub


This repository and website will house all of the code for our group’s Jeopardy android project, as well as some content for marketing the application.

This app is an Android game featuring mechanics from the popular TV show Jeopardy!

It will feature 3 distinct modes:

External Requirements

In order to run this on your laptop, you must have some form of Android emulator, preferably via Android Studio.

To run on an Android device, you will simply need an up to date Android OS and a way to install the APK.


To run the app, simply install the application on your android device or emulator, either through the repository or the provided APKs.


To run on an emulator, you can simply clone the repo locally, build the project using the top toolbar, and run using the toolbar as well.

To run on a local device, enable USB debugging on your device and then connect via USB. Once connected, run via the top toolbar.


For our behavioral/instrumental tests, they can be found in the following destination: JeopardyGroup/app/src/androidTest/java/com/example/jeopardy/

The behavioral test checks the functionality of the MainActivity screen, which is our home/landing page. This test launches the app, then tests that the home screen is shown, and that each button for navigation is correctly displayed.

As far as unit tests, they are stored here: JeopardyGroup/app/src/androidTest/java/com/example/jeopardy/MainActivityTest.kt

The unit tests for the application test that the constructors for each element of the Clue object/class work properly. Each getter and setter is tested with a test value to ensure everything is functional.

Testing Technology

All testing was developed in Android Studio IDE. TestProject was experimented with, but implementation was not completed. The tests can be ran in most IDEs, but Android Studio is preferred.

Running Tests

To run Unit tests, simply load the project into your IDE and run the unit tests through the ClueTest Java class.

To run Behavioral tests, simply load the project into your IDE with a paired emulator, and run the tests through the IDE via the MainActivityTest kotlin class.


Josh Caney - /

Caitlynn Jones - /

John Schlotterbeck -

Juan Mariscal -


image Screenshot 2022-04-21 155224 Screenshot 2022-04-21 155312

Demo Video