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Welcome to NeonCart Medical Store which is build by the GooseCity team

Here is a video that our team has recorded for you, in which we carefully introduce the features of our website, the story behind it and, most importantly, the demonstration of its functionality.

User Guide

User Interface

Welcome to NeonCart Medical Store, an online medical shopping center dedicated to the convenience of people

Please vist our shop by click NeonCart Medical Store

When users visit our domain, they will be asked to log in, and the login operation is shown below

Login Register

Once you have successfully logged in, you will be greeted with a very simple and straightforward interface, to make a purchase, please complete your personal information and payment address first (as shown below) so that we can complete your payment process more efficiently

personalInfo personal info

After completing your information, you can use our website to shop as much as you like!

Administrator Interface

Welcome to be the administrator of this website

As the administrator of this website, please always keep the following principles in mind

1.Please do not disclose your login information to others
2.Please note that you should not disclose any user information to any individual, group, or organization
3.Administrator accounts can only be used to log into the administrator interface, please do not try to use the same username and password to log into the user interface

In our admin system, you can add or delete products, general user information, and add new admins, as you can see, you have a lot of power, so by all means, Be Sure To Keep Your Account Safe!

When you have successfully logged in and entered the administrator screen, your site should look like the following.


In the center of the screen are the bar chart and pie chart of our data visualization

Some administrators have reported problems with misaligned numbers when opening web pages, if you encounter this problem please close all small windows and refresh the web page

- ### Environmental Requirements The database:mysql Python Environment Requirements: ~~~shell django pymysql pandas Pillow ~~~ - #### Project Clone ~~~shell git clone line ~~~ - #### Project Configuration file in the project ~~~python DATABASES={ 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql', 'NAME':"sale", "USER":"root", "PASSWORD":"password", #Need to change your password information "PORT":3306, "HOST":"" } } ~~~ - ### Project Operation Start the database first. Then enter the terminal in turn ~~~shell cd Project_name python runserver ~~~ - #### The Alipay has been deployed and fully functional, but Please **Don't Scan The QR Code** to prevent the Economic Disputes. - #### The credit card System is working, but don't stroe any real information in this site. - ### Test account - website Login account :1 Password: 1 Administrator Backstage: Password:1 Also, when you going to test you also can create and add your own account both of website and Administrator. - ## Test Operation - #### The Test file is located at GooseCity/ - #### Requirements ~~~shell requests json time lxml ~~~ #### Implementation principle Use Python's crawler technology to simulate user registration, login and other operations on the website to judge whether the returned data is abnormal. #### Operation mode ~~~python python ~~~ #### Website return value description - Examples ~~~text 200-the server successfully returned to the web page 404-the requested page does not exist 503-server timeout ~~~


-Chenhao Cui LinkedIn
-Hayden Bunce LinkedIn
-Logan Etheredge LinkedIn
-Weihang He LinkedIn