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First Fantasy

First Fantasy is a 2D RPG game written in C# using Unity. It is a Capstone project for the University of South Carolina.

Latest Release Build Controls Authors Tools/Asset Credits

Video Presentation

Game Screenshots

Explore a fantasy world filled with encounters of various creatures and monsters! Manage your health and coin well, and you’ll become a powerful warrior. Load up on plenty of weapons, armor, and potions to keep the adventure going!


You can download the game from the releases page. Run the installer and launch the game either from the desktop shortcut or from the install location.


To build the game, you will need to have Unity installed. You can download it here. Once you have Unity installed, open the project in Unity and click the Build button in the top menu bar. You can then select the platform you want to build for and the location to build to.


Inventory controls:

Authors (Alphabetical Order)

Tools/Asset Credits