
Welcome to Briattoshu!

Easily find the best places to climb

Why Use Our App?

The target audience for our app is those interested in outdoor rock climbing. It allows climbers to search for climbing locations on an interactive map, communicate with other climbers, and find detailed data for each location, including things like location description, type of climbing, as well weather information. Our app is straightforward, clear, and easy-to-use, making it a useful tool for avid outdoor climbers.

How to Use Our App

To start using our application, please visit our website, Crux Conditions. Also, check out our GitHub Repository.

Home Page

When you to go to the website, the home page will show up, which looks like it does above. It will highlight popular viewed locations, as well as the user's current location.

In the top left is a search bar, where users can search for named climbing locations and access their location page.

Location Page Info Page

The location page will show the area on the map, as well as provide weather information, allow users to comment, and compare the location with others.

Menu Page

At any point, users can click the menu button in the top left to access different pages, including recent locations, user-marked favorite locations, a more advanced search feature, a location creator, and a partner finder.

Partner Finder Page

The partner finder page can be used to search for other climbers in the user's area by posting general location, climbing level, and age range.

About the Team

Wenshu Novak-Condy(@novakwenshu):

Joshua Dietrich(@DietrichJD):

Matthew Grenier(@grematt):

Brian Bongermino(@Firenight485):

Peter Butkus(@PeterButkus):

Watch Our Demo Video (Placeholder right now)