A SCCapstone Project

Team members: Graham Brooker, Paul Melton, Davis Alexander, George Akhvlediani, Joe McDowell

Here is a short overview of our program and the project we took on:

Architecture of the simulator:
  • Simulates a cluster/server environment
  • Code is divided into modules
  • Overseer module presides on the surface level invoking both simulation operations and the allocation algorithms
  • Overseer takes user input to spawn a specified number of servers, clients, groups, set the capacity of each server, and choose which algorithm to use
  • The output from running the algorithm is allocated to a CSV where it is used in a bar chart using d3 to display how clients are moved between servers to cut down on server to server communication
Project description:
  • Implement a load balancing system in an Internet of Things environment
  • We have clients, which could be any sort of device, coming onto servers and each client is assigned to an organization
  • We want to send clients in the same organization to the same server
  • Through this we will cut down on server to server communication, which can be costly

Here is a video explaining our code, what it does, and we also show our program running and the visualizations it creates.

Here is a paper describing the problem and our program in more detail.