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Discovery Day-USC

iPhone application for Discovery Day, or any conference.

download .ZIPdownload .TGZ

Discovery Day showcases students’ scholarly pursuits in and out of the classroom. It is an annual event for undergraduates at USC: all years, all disciplines, and all campuses. Students present their experiences or findings from:

Students have the opportunity to make poster, oral, creative, or artistic presentations as well as visual art displays. This includes theatrical, musical, or creative writing presentations.

To test DD-USC you have two options: 1. If you have a Mac but no iOS device you may download the source code and open up the project in Xcode and run the emulator. 2. If you have an iOS device then you can email your apple id (the email address that you signed up with the iTunes store) and we will send you an email with an invitation to sign up with iTunes Connect (free, you just use your apple id and login). After you are signed up with iTunes Connect then you will receive a second email with instructions on how to install and use TestFlight (a free iOS demoing app).

**If you have any question please contact us by Github issues.

App Screenshots:

Here is a short video on how to use the Discovery Day application: